Whether you're a practicing healthcare professional looking to take the next step in your career or a new graduate, Wellspring Medical Resources can help find the best job opportunity for you.
Utilizing our vast network of contacts, we've identified job opportunities nationwide, many of them unadvertised. We work with private practices, hospitals, academic institutions, HMOs, skilled nursing facilities, clinics, practice management groups and pharmaceutical research companies. Once we interview you to determine your search criteria, we'll reach out to these contacts to zero in on the best fit for you. Your search will be confidential; we won't submit you unless you give us clearance to do so. We provide detailed information on the position and community, help with scheduling interviews and travel itineraries, assist with contract negotiations and relocation. Once you get the job, we'll stay in touch to ensure a smooth transition. And best of all, this is a free service to you.
Let's face it. Looking for a job can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. Not to mention time consuming. At Wellspring Medical Resources, we take a personal interest in you and your career. Let us take the pain out of job hunting. To get started on your new opportunity, contact a trained Wellspring Medical Resources Consultant at 877.236.0919 or . Or, select the appropriate category below to fill out an information request form and a Wellspring Medical Resources Consultant will contact you immediately.